As the owner of a beautiful farm wedding venue here in Maine, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing hundreds of incredible wedding celebrations. And while the couple is the star of the show, you—yes, you, the guest!—play a huge role in making their day unforgettable.

I know you’re already bringing your excitement and good vibes, but if you want to level up and be an amazing wedding guest, here are a few tips from someone who’s seen it all!

Dress for the Weather (It’s Maine, after all)
You’ve heard it before, but let me say it again - If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. Maine weather likes to keep us on our toes. We could have sunshine, a light breeze, a quick shower, and then a chilly evening all in the same day. If you’re attending a farm or barn wedding, the trick is to layer up. Wear something that looks sharp but keeps you comfortable no matter what Mother Nature throws at us. A cute jacket, a light wrap, or even a snazzy scarf can be your best friend as the sun sets and temps drop. If you have a long dress, toss a pair of leggings in your bag and you can slip them on if you get too chilly. Not all barns have heat, so be prepared!

Oh, and bring an umbrella. You may not need it, but if it starts drizzling during the ceremony, you’ll be glad you did (plus, it’s a nice way to help out a fellow guest if they didn’t think ahead).

Compliment the Couple—And Don’t Forget the Feels!
Okay, so the barn is stunning, the florals are Pinterest-worthy, and the food is chef’s kiss. But you know what’s even better? Telling the couple how you feel being there. Trust me, they’ve put endless hours into planning every tiny little detail (the bride probably even added deodorant to the Men's room, for goodness sake!), but what will really make their hearts swell is knowing that you’re not only noticing the décor but also feeling the love.

So, when you congratulate them, go beyond the “everything looks beautiful” line (although, yes, it’s true!). Tell them how thrilled you are to be witnessing this new chapter in their lives, how happy you feel being included in such a special day, and how much joy it brings you to see two families coming together. They’ll remember that far longer than the centerpiece you liked.

Choose the Right Outfit—and the Right Shoes!
If you’re attending a wedding at a barn or farm, you’ll want to dress smart. Take cues from the invitation or the couple’s wedding website for the dress code, but let me give you a tip: skip the stilettos if you’re walking on grass or gravel (which, at Meadow Ridge Farm, you absolutely will be). Instead, go for something comfortable and stylish—wedges, block heels, or flats that won’t leave you teetering with every step. Your ankles will thank you, and you’ll be able to dance the night away without a care. You might want to toss a pair of flats into your vehicle justtttt in case. By 8pm, nobody will be looking at your feet anyway. Thank me later.

Be Early, Not On Time
This one’s big. Weddings are timed down to the MINUTE (yes, really!), and showing up “right on time” can cause a lot of stress—for you, the couple, and everyone involved. Things happen—traffic, road construction, maybe your phone's GPS doesn’t get great signal out here in the country. Plan to arrive 30-45 minutes early so you can park, get situated, and maybe even snap a few pics before the ceremony starts. If you can be on time for work every day, you can be early for a wedding that’s only going to happen once!

Capture the Moments (But Respect the Ceremony)
We love when guests take photos—it’s always fun to see the day from a different perspective. That said, remember that the couple likely has a professional photographer capturing the big moments (and they probably don’t want your phone popping up in all their ceremony shots). So, when in doubt, put the phone down during the ceremony and live in the moment with them. There will be plenty of time for snapping pics during cocktail hour, dinner, and dancing. And when you do capture those candid moments, share them with the couple afterward—they’ll love seeing what their guests were up to!

Keep It Tidy
Now, let’s talk about keeping things tidy. Weddings can be a bit of a whirlwind, and I get that you’re focused on having a great time, but please, clean up after yourself. You see, at Meadow Ridge, after the celebration, the couple comes back the next day to gather their things. The last thing they need is to spend time picking up someone else’s leftover drink cups, cigarette butts, or napkins. If you brought it, toss it. And for the smokers out there, be respectful—use the designated smoking areas. It’s not just about keeping the venue clean; it’s about making sure everyone has a great experience (and the barn doesn’t end up smelling like cigarette smoke!).

No Complaints—Seriously, None! Nothing! No! Stop!
This day is all about celebrating the couple, not focusing on things that don’t go perfectly. So, here’s the golden rule: don’t complain. Not about your seat, the weather, the food, or where you parked. Maine is known for its charm—and, yes, that sometimes includes bugs or a bit of drizzle—but your job is to roll with it and keep the positive vibes flowing. The couple put their hearts into this day, and the best thing you can do is celebrate it wholeheartedly. Did it rain, and your hair got frizzy? Nobody cares. This day is about the couple, and how special it feels to be included to celebrate them!

Don't Be a Potato
Here’s something I see all the time that truly breaks my heart: couples spend months planning fun activities for their guests, only to have those same guests turn into potatoes at their seats, scrolling through their phones. Don’t be that guest! If there’s a yard game, go play it! If they’ve set up a photo guest book, snap a pic and leave them a fun message. Is there a special item to sign? Get your name on it! And if the dance floor opens, don’t wait—go dance! Couples add these touches because they want you to enjoy yourselves.

And here’s a pro tip: If cocktail hour is set up to be outside, but everyone’s lingering inside, be the one to lead the charge. Grab a few friends and head out there. Sometimes guests just need a nudge, and you could be the reason the party vibes really take off. Remember, the couple planned all of this for you, so make the most of it!

In short: have fun, stay positive, and enjoy the beauty of a Maine wedding!

I hope these tips help make your wedding guest experience at Meadow Ridge Farm the best it can be. The couple will thank you, the other guests will love you, and I’ll be cheering you on as you help make the day extra special for everyone <3

Image by Emily MacCabe

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